
Friday, February 4, 2011

Great news for porn analogy addicts!

Don't fight it. Hide it!

Apparently, like porn, If Bears Could Type, is the internet website you secretly love, but publicly deny having ever seen... ever & later lament with your friends the plight of those who keep coming back to it day after day.

"Well, she started going to that website blog, the one with the bear, and well, you know how that story goes. It's so sad..."

Has your aversion to public shame kept you from clicking "follow"? Well, now you can follow it without having your name and picture posted all over creation. That's right, no one has to know about your character destroying habit of viewing whatever content has been posted on ye ol' typing bear blog while you still receive all the fantastic benefits of being a not-proud-in-any-way follower of it.

Your welcome, junkies.

RIP 'Your Followers' widget.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are right up there among my most favorite, for sure...even if you are "preggers." (Super smokin' hot preggers...I sincerely mean that)

    You are def. in my top three megan davidsons- right up there with my photographer Megan Davidson and doula Megan Davidson-

    In my book, all three of you are my #1 favorite Megan Davidson.

    1. You should know I've had a falling out with my doula and my photographer, so guess who just made number one?
